1. The OS
Zero-TOTP is built to run on a unix system. Both MacOS and Linux are supported. More precisely, this project is entirely built to run on a Debian system, but Macos and other Linux distributions should work as well.
Zero-TOTP itself is distributed as a docker image.
2. The Packages
In order to run Zero-TOTP locally you will to install python, angular cli and Make.
2.1. Angular
Zero-TOTP frontend is built with Angular. To install Angular, you will need to install Node.js and npm.
If npm is not installed in your system, follow the official documentation to install it.
Install angular cli to run the frontend locally :
2.2. Python
The API of Zero-TOTP is built with Python. To install Python, follow the official documentation.
Python 3.12 is the only version tested on this project and should be the only one used to run Zero-TOTP. Any previous or later version of Python 3 may not work.
2.4. Python build packages
Some python dependencies will require build packages to be installed. On a Debian system, you can install them with apt :
### 2.4. Make
Make is used to easily install and run the project locally.
With apt :
``` shell
apt-get install build-essential
2.5. Docker (optional, recommended)
Zero-TOTP is distributed as a docker image. When running the project locally, a mariadb container is recommended to run the database.
Moreover, to test the build of the project, docker is required.
To install docker, follow the official documentation.