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In order to run Zero-TOTP locally, you will have to run 3 different instances :

  • The frontend
  • The API
  • The database

1. Clone the code

If your are not an official contributor of the project, you will have to fork the repository, create your own branch and make a pull request.

To setup your code, you can follow the github documentation about contributing to a project

Once setup, you can start installing dependencies and running the project.

2. Install and run the frontend

At the root of the project, you will find the Makefile the you can use to install and run the project.

To install the frontend dependencies, run :

make install_frontend

To run the frontend, run :

make run_frontend

The frontend will be available at http://localhost:4200

3. Install and run the database

The database is a mariadb instance. You can run it with docker, this is the recommended way.

Create the directory database-stack at the root of the project. It will be ignored by git.

mkdir database-stack

Then you can use the following docker-compose.yml file to run the database :

version: '3'
    image: mariadb
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: <root_password> #(1)
      MYSQL_DATABASE: zero_totp #(2)
      MYSQL_USER: <mysql_user> #(3)
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: <mysql_user_password> #(4)
      - ./data:/var/lib/mysql
      - ""

  1. 📝 Change this value
  2. ⚠ If you change this value, report it in your api config file
  3. 📝 Change this value
  4. 📝 Change this value

4. Install, configure and the run the API

4.1 Installation

At the root of the project, you will find the Makefile the you can use to install and run the project.

To install the api dependencies, run :

make install_frontend

4.2 Configuration

The API configuration is defined in the file api/config/config.yml. You need to create and modify the default config file in order to properly run the API.

You can find the default configuration file in api/config/config-example.yml or at